How the Ish Book Inspires Our Teachers

How the Ish Book Inspires Our Teachers

Ish by Peter H. Reynolds is the book that continues inspiring its readers about the importance of thinking “ish-ly” about anything anytime anywhere. This type of thinking helps us develop the joy for learning, as learning is not about “getting things right”, but being open to make discoveries. Here is how Ish inspired Ms Kisha Jimenez-Montes, our lead teacher of the 3-year-olds class, who brings the ideas of the Ish book into the classroom:

“Learning that not everyone does everything exactly the same. It’s all in the eye of the beholder, and each one of us is a bit “ish”.

  • Allows children to understand that they can be different, and can pursue that uniqueness.

  • Allows children to reflect on their different qualities.

  • Encouragement for children to just have a “go” at activities with confidence.

  • Teaches the value of children’s work, and the importance of creative/process art.

It’s ok to be unique, and individual.

  • Children take pride in their version of things.

  • Children embrace self-acceptance.

  • Ish allows for children to express their outlook on their environment, and life.”

Benefits of Creative and Process Art

Benefits of Creative and Process Art